Trends & neue Technologien (KI o.a.)Trends & neue Technologien (KI o.a.)

Transforming Monitoring: OpsPilot & AI-Driven Observability


Wed 11:10 - 11:55 Uhr | 2024

Explore the future of application monitoring “today”. Experience how OpsPilot is pioneering the shift from traditional, reactive monitoring to a proactive, AI-driven approach. This session delves into how OpsPilot simplifies the complex world of monitoring by working around the clock to proactively detect and address issues before they affect performance. We will demonstrate how real-time insights and dynamic application instrumentation lead to smarter, faster problem-solving. Discover a future where monitoring becomes more intuitive, reducing complexity and setting the stage for fully autonomous observability. This presentation is designed to be clear and accessible, showcasing how the transformative potential of AI can enhance the efficiency and problem-solving capabilities of DevOps engineers and IT professionals. Join us to uncover how you can step into the era of self-driving observability with OpsPilot.

Non-Sponsored TalkFortgeschritteneEnglisch
David Tattersall

David Tattersall

David Tattersall has led Intergral since 1998, transforming it into a global leader in Application Performance Monitoring (APM). His vision has steered the company towards innovation and excellence, offering advanced solutions in APM and observability that meet the demands of developers and IT professionals. As a committed advocate for monitoring, observability, and AI, David has focused on providing tools that enhance application performance and operational efficiency. His dedication to solving client challenges is at the core of Intergral’s success and its reputation as a trusted tech industry partner.