Open Source & CommunityOpen Source & Community

Oh Keptn, my Keptn

A data driven way to DevOps & SRE automation


Thu 15:35 - 16:20 Uhr | 2022

Keptn, a CNCF project, is reducing custom coding and integrations needed for automating delivery and operation sequences by 90%. Keptn uses a declarative, event and data-driven orchestration to connect and orchestrate your favorite tools (GitLab, Jenkins, Selenium, Prometheus, Litmus, Ansible, Jira …) as part of your DevOps & SRE automation without you having to worry about writing and maintaining tool integrations. In this session you learn how Keptn works, how the community is adopting it, how you can get started in minutes and how you can contribute to this open-source project.

Non-Sponsored TalkFortgeschritteneEnglisch


Andreas Grabner

Andreas Grabner

Andreas Grabner (@grabnerandi) has 20+ years of experience as a software developer, tester and architect and is an advocate for high-performing cloud scale applications. He is a contributor and DevRel for the CNCF open source project keptn ( Andreas is also a regular contributor to the DevOps community, a frequent speaker at technology conferences and regularly publishes articles on or medium. In his spare time you can most likely find him on one of the salsa dancefloors of the world (will resume once Covid is behind us)!