Microservices, Container & CloudMicroservices, Container & Cloud

Going Serverless With Spring Boot 3



Wed 9:50 - 10:35 Uhr | 2024

Serverless applications are event-driven and take advantage of modern cloud computing capabilities and abstractions to allow developers to shift focus to writing business logic while not dealing with the complexity of the infrastructure their code runs on.

To get the full potential of a Serverless runtime, applications must be disposable, which means they can be started or stopped rapidly. If your application starts slowly, it might mean that it cannot scale or recover fast enough to handle a sudden increase in demand, and if it consumes many resources (memory, CPU, etc) and scales to a large degree, that means increased cost.

Fortunately, there are several new solutions available in the Java ecosystem, like GraalVM Native Images and Project CraC, that provide almost instant startup times and reduced memory consumption.

This session will teach you how they compare to each other and how to use them with Spring.

Non-Sponsored TalkFortgeschritteneEnglisch
Timo Salm

Timo Salm


Timo Salm is the first Solution Engineer for Developer Experience at Tanzu by Broadcom in EMEA, focusing on internal developer platforms and commercial Spring products. In this role, he’s responsible for educating customers on the value of these products and ensuring that they succeed by working closely on different levels of abstractions of modern applications and modern infrastructure. Before Timo joined Pivotal, which VMware and now Broadcom acquired, he worked for consulting firms in the automotive industry as a software architect and full-stack developer.